Headed to France - Study Abroad

Starting this semester, Fall 2019, I'll be attending ESCP - Paris for one semester as my study abroad experience. If the Visa process didn't scare me away, I'm sure dealing with the French for four months won't either. I've been wanting to study abroad since I found out that this option even existed at the collegiate level. I've included some information about what I will be doing here, what I will be focusing on, and some concerns I have with being away from campus during, arguably, the most important semester of my undergraduate degree. 

Classes I'm taking

Europe Does Matter:
"The course focuses on the various dimensions of the European Union (economic, political, cultural, managerial…) in order to provide a deeper understanding of how Europe develops a business-oriented environment. It will also address some of the challenges facing Europe and European firms nowadays."

Marketing Research: 
"It will cover:

  • All the most commonly used Marketing Research approaches: panels, focus groups, qualitative interviews, quantitative questionnaires, online surveys;
  • As well as insights into more sophisticated tools: experiential testimonies, design communities, storytelling, shopper studies, 360° screening, digital tracking, crowdsourcing, virtual reality, social listening, social watching…"
Marketing of Innovations:
Complete a case study throughout the course while expanding upon the topics of consumer insight, GAP Analysis, market sizing, degree of adoption, market roll-out and other tests for marketing different innovations.

Philanthropy and Social Entrepreneurship:
"This course will review the nature and needs of philanthropy and social entrepreneurship in France and Europe at large. It is not a detailed management course but rather is aimed at students who will likely relate to social businesses in a variety of ways (on the boards, as volunteers, as fund-raisers, and as staff)."

French Level A2:
French learning at the A2 level.

My goals for the semester
One of the main goals I would like to achieve would be to focus on improving my French language skills. I've done four semesters of French at UIUC as well as a short language program in Arles, but I still have so much room for improvement, especially within the speaking and comprehension areas. 

Another goal I have is to really dive in and learn about the differences between the way the French do business compared to Americans. It's one thing to say that I'd like to work in France one day and another to know what the workplace is like. I'm assuming by being at a French business school all day, every day, that I will come to learn exactly what this French dynamic is like. 

My third main goal is to TRAVEL. I have Europe at my disposal, and I don't intend to waste this opportunity (or the cheap plane tickets). When you're at university for so many semesters straight, it's easy to fall victim to having tunnel vision academically and culturally. So, this is my opportunity to ensure that this doesn't happen for me and to truly immerse myself in other parts of the world. 

Fall semester is known for being cut-throat when it comes to finding internships. Throw in the fact that I'm not on campus for many of these opportunities designed to ease this process, I'm a bit concerned in terms of finding the best summer opportunity for after junior year that I can. I'm sure that ESCP has similar opportunities to those provided on the UIUC campus, but that comes with its own set of barriers such as language and location. Not to mention the world of distractions that Paris and Europe at large have for study abroad students. So, this is one main concern that I can't quite get out of my head, but I'll just have to focus hard on applying from afar. 

Letting go is another area that I see myself struggling with. These RSOs that I'm involved with have become a part of me, like a job I'm incredibly passionate about. Being in leadership positions and now having to be completely hands-off for an entire semester sounds difficult. I've put a lot of work and passion into ensuring the success of TEDxUIUC, ISM, and Founders and now to have a semester off is crazy to me. I know that this is a blessing in disguise, but I think I'm going to miss the constant involvement. 


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